Chhattisgarh :Credible state with incredible potential Introduction Creation of the State of Chhattisgarh The creation of Chhattisgarh on November 01, 2000 fulfilled the demand for separate statehood that was originally raised in 1925 and subsequently rejected in the post independence era by the State Reorganisation Commission set up in 1954. The ‘Madhya Pradesh Reorganisation Act […]
Understand how to handle information in social care settings It is essential that in a social care environment information is collected, used and stored correctly. Current legislation requires everyone working in social care to maintain certain records and keep them secure. Most of the information is sensitive and therefore not available to the general public. […]
Identifying a need: In health and social care research is a very important factor in identifying the needs of groups of individuals, whether that research is through medical examination or through simple questioning. For example, medical research would be things such as MRI scans and collecting research through simple questions could be a doctor asking […]
Subscribe Topic 1: Endangered Species Although humans; like all other living creatures, have had to make changes, adjustments, and adapt to survive and thrive, it is humankind that has also had a profound impact on the lives of other creatures on Earth. Sometimes this has been a beneficial impact, but in many cases, it […]
Chapters 26 through 29 presented four mini-case studies on ERM and risk. Each one presented a slightly different risk scenario. Starting with chapter 29, assume that you have been asked to advise the Akawini management team on how they should promote and monitor the transformation of risk management in their business. What performance measures […]
Assume that two gas stations are for sale with the following cash flows: CF1 is the Cash Flow in the first year, and CF2 is the Cash Flow in the second year. This is the timeline and data used in calculating the Payback Period, Net Present Value, and Internal Rate of Return. The calculations […]
A process recording is a written tool used by field education experience students, field instructors, and faculty to examine the dynamics of social work interactions in time. Process recordings can help in developing and refining interviewing and intervention skills. By conceptualizing and organizing ongoing activities with social work clients, you are able to clarify […]
A 50 year old woman has had rheumatoid arthritis for 3 years and has been taking multiple NSAID’s. She has taken corticosteroids a few times during flare ups. The disease seems to be progressing with stiffness and swelling in her hands and wrists. Examination reveals rheumatoid nodules, synovitis of both wrists and metacarpo-phalangeal joints. This […]
Introduction: Organizations are human communities, which are formed by bringing people together to communicate, intact and build ties to help each other to create meaning together. Information plays an important role in building these societies and providing knowledge about the task people perform. The information networks created by the organizations help the people to adopt […]
PRICE RANGE OF PRODUCTS Above is the price range of all Apple products between the years of 1975 to the present. Steve Jobs manufactured products that were not just far advanced than other products in the same category, but they were also out of reach for most consumers. When Apple Computer launches its Apple II […]