Chapter 5 discusses decision making using system modeling. The author briefly mentions an open source software tool, EMA Workbench, that can perform EMA and ESDMA modeling. Find EMA Workbench online and go to their main website (not the GitHub download site). Then do the following: 1) Under documentation, go to the Tutorials page. 2) Read through the Simple Model (in your chosen environment), and […]
Brooks Fridey Antigone’s Purpose In the story of Antigone, originally written by Sophocles, explains the story, of a woman who stands up for her own beliefs against the king. At the time of Sophocles, women had little power and authority. They were expected to listen to their husband, king, or any man that speaks to […]
Proposing an Approach and Assessment in Community Collaboration Drawing on your previous assignments, your final project will demonstrate your understanding of the context and purpose of the task force, will propose an approach and assessment of the community collaboration, will present rationale and reflection of your recommendations, and will demonstrate communication skills. You are to consider […]
Teaching practicum concerns readying of instructors and its usage has embraced all the learning experiences of pupil instructors in schools. The intent of reexamining related literature is to research thoughts of learning practicum. This reappraisal will discourse three chief thoughts, viz. , overview of the construct of beliefs and learning practicum, theoretical model and related […]
Effective managers are aware that certain skills are necessary for creating a successful and diverse workforce. First, managers must understand discrimination and its consequences. Second, managers must recognize their own cultural biases and prejudices. Diversity is not about differences among groups, but rather about differences among individuals. Each individual is unique and does not represent […]
Implementing information technology across the globe write a short research paper for a peer-reviewed research paper that pertains to the week’s assigned reading. This will be a detailed summary of the research paper and what you gained from the research. find an article/peer-reviewed research paper. Google Scholar is a wonderful location to find these […]
I have always wanted to study music up to the highest education level possible for two reasons; one to use the education for life and secondly to live off the education. Education for me is just more than attaining good grades. Education for me is an opportunity to develop into a well-rounded person, fully equipped […]
COUN6321: CASE STUDY TREATMENT PLAN: STELLA Instructions: I need help writing my essay – research paper type directly into this template as you develop your treatment plan. Your submitted assignments in Unit 5 and Unit 9 must be completed within this template in order for you to receive credit for your paper. Unit 5 […]
The goal for this week is to examine the social control of youth by exploring the history of youth social control. This history will provide context for understanding the development of juvenile corrections/interventions. This history also contains some important lessons, including cautionary tales, about how we might respond to youths’ problem behaviors today. Objectives […]
Choose one of three topic choices listed below on the subject of diversity to write a brief paper on the subject. Each topic explores two different approaches to diversity during the 60-year period after the Civil War (1865–1925). The dynamic between the two approaches will have a profound impact on our history then—and now. […]