Directions: Theories describe and explain what happens during development. Theories also offer a way of trying to predict behavior. Often theories can be used to understand the people with whom we are closest. For example, Erikson’s 8 Stages might help you understand why your teenage son cares more about his friend’s opinion than your perspective. […]
Medication is increasingly being prescribed to children and adolescents to treat behavioral or mood problems. Medication for an emotional or behavioral problem can be helpful; research shows that psychological interventions may be more effective for children and adolescents. Sometimes medication is necessary—especially if the child or adolescent is exhibiting extremely aggressive or dangerous behavior or […]
Approximately 15% of female cancer in the United States is of the breast, second to skin cancer. Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss with your peers when a patient presents to you with a breast mass, what are your differentials? What is your plan of care for […]
Comparison of Gas Exchange Exemplars Pneumothorax Tension Pneumothorax Flail Chest Hemothorax Acute Respiratory Failure Pathophysiology Etiology Clinical Manifestations Interventions Complete the Gas Exchange Exemplar comparison table. NUR2790_Module 04_Gas Exchange Exemplars_v2.docx ~ Hire our professional writers now and experience the best assignment help online with our custom paper writing service. We ensure your essays and assignments […]
COURSE DESCRIPTION : This course examines the progression from nursing inquiry to nursing practice under the framework of nursing theory. Students will examine the historical foundations of nursing theory and the impact of these models on nursing research. Students will examine the role of nursing research in advanced nursing practice and evaluate models used to […]
PSYCHOLOGICAL SELF-ASSESSMENT: Everybody should take the tests listed below. On BB, in the Psychological Self-Assessment Folder, you will find links to the tests and instructions for completing them. As with the Psychometrics Lab Exercises, you should be conscientious about doing this assignment because it is worth 15% of your final grade. The last part of […]
MULTICULTURAL AWARENESS Jean Piaget and Erik Erikson are two prominent psychologists in the field of human growth and development. Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development and Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development provide a background for understanding the developmental context of clients. Life-span development theory states that individuals continue to develop from infancy to late adulthood. Therefore, […]
Dimensions of Nursing Practice Developing a Philosophy of Nursing Module 04 Content 1. The definition of a philosophy is having a personal and specific outlook and approach you can use to make decisions and take actions. Your nursing philosophy could include your attitudes about working in healthcare facilities, working as part of a team or […]
PROVIDING GENETIC NURSING CARE TO PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC ILLNESSES There are several chronic health problems with genetic/genomic components that plague the population. These health problems are very difficult and challenging diseases to manage. Evidenced-based nursing practice must include genetic and genomic information when planning patient care. Nurses, through their knowledge and support, play an important […]
Module 6 Assignment Community Teaching Plan & Evaluation ________________________________________ After reviewing Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources, explain approaches to community intervention and evaluation. Implement a teaching and evaluation plan. 1. Choose one topic from the prevention strategies and intervention recommendations identified in Module 4 Assignment. 2. Develop a teaching plan, including objective, content outline, […]