The United States Constitution is a bundle of compromises mainly because there were contending groups during its early stages of conceptualization and even during its formation. On one side, there were those who criticized the first constitution of America—the Articles of Confederation—for lacking several key provisions and adjustments that could give the government more power. […]
* This essay will describe Passover a Jewish Holy Days. This essay will discuss the time of the year of the holy day(s), the historic origin of the holy day(s), and the religious practices associated with the day(s). This essay will also identify the theological or cultural differences that may lead to differences in the […]
What happened? The enslaved moved in the attack first and their leader was Toussaint l ’Overture. The rebellion started on August 21, 1891. By 1972, the slaves were able to control a third of the island. These were a series of conflicts from 1791 to 1804 between the Haitian people and the armies of the […]
Whitman covered many topics in his poetry, including war, slavery, sexuality, love, Abraham Lincoln, death, America as a nation, America’s role in the world, individual freedom, and family, to name a few. For this response select a poem or poems that addresses one of the topics listed above and analyze it according to how well […]
6AP US History Federalism Questions I. Answer the following questions as fully as possible. Use the Internet, The American Pageant, or other sources to find the answers. Also please list your sources for each question. 1. What were the major weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? The Articles of Confederation were replaced by the Constitution […]
First Written Assignment In the following packet and Reading the American Past you will find 5 documents, each written by colonists living in different times, at different places, and with different cultural backgrounds. However, all share similarities as they deal with European attitudes regarding Native Americans. For the purpose of this essay, your task, […]
AMH2092 OER: African American History and Culture Module 6: Primary Resource Document David Walker’s Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World, 1829 Source Overview: David Walker was the son of an enslaved man and a free black woman. He traveled widely before settling in Boston where he worked in and owned clothing stores and […]
Assignment 1: Different Approaches to Diversity Issues (1865–1925) History 105: Due Week 3 and worth 120 points (Dr. Stansbury) Submission deadline: 9am Eastern time; Monday morning, October 21 In Assignment 1, we ask you to choose one of three topic choices listed below on the subject of diversity then use the Writing Guide located […]
Flicka Flicka is a heart wrenching movie about the love of family, nature, and horses. This movie shows you the summer of a ranchers daughter. Katy McLauglin (Alison Lohman) is the teenage daughter of a horse rancher who is looking to hand over the reins of the family business. While her family is on the […]
Rules of Relationship Kyle and I decided to research relationships as they are portrayed in movies for our presentation. Between us, we watched “The Breakfast Club”, “Dead Poets Society”, “Fried Green Tomatoes” and “Of Mice and Men. ” Today I’m going to discuss how rules of relationships were used in “The Breakfast Club” and “Of […]