Strength-Based Approach Paper Strength-Based Approach Paper. Review Exercise 7 on pg 57 of the text (McClam, T., Woodside, M. R. (20110101). Helping Process: Assessment to Termination. [[VitalSource Bookshelf version]]. Retrieved from vbk://9781133172468). Write an APA paper regarding this case. The body of the paper should be 3-5 pages (this means that with title and reference […]
Geriatrics: Providing Care for Older Adults Introduction As the global population continues to age, geriatrics is becoming an increasingly important field of healthcare. The aging process brings about a range of physical, mental and emotional changes, which demand specific and personalized care for older adults. With the number of people over 65 in the United […]
NUR341: Assessment of Aged Care Services, Interdisciplinary Care, and Medication Management – Essay Writing Assignment Task Read the clinical scenario and the answer the assessment questions in an essay format. Clinical Scenario You are working in a community clinic as a registered nurse. Your next patient is Ms Florence ‘Flo’ Ljukuta and her husband Lionel. […]
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Research Paper Hide Assignment Information Instructions This research paper project will allow you to conduct an in-depth analysis of a specific population and its relationship to issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. Please choose a detailed topic population with a clear connection to a DEI/social justice issue. For example, […]
Write 2 pages, addressing all the questions Deliver on or before the set deadline use APA 7, and the readings provided Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to understand emotions and motivations in yourself and others. Understanding how to recognize the emotions of others in different situations is a big communication tool for the manager. […]
NRSG375 Clinical Leadership Assessment Task 3: Written assignment (45%) Homework help – Discuss and analyse in more detail 2 of the discussion posts that you submitted for assessment task (AT) 2 and use contemporary literature for support. For the 2 posts that you choose, you are to re-write (not duplicate) the posts you choose to […]
Argue about the historical justification of Social Work intervention in crises. Support your answer using the material studied. Your text should be at least 1000 words. Include: Introduction Development of the topic Arguments for and against Conclusion Introduction: Social work is a profession that emerged in the late 19th century with the aim of addressing […]
NUR 665 9.1 Solution Focused Brief therapy Group Type Essay Level College Style APA Sources 4 (LESS THAN 5 YEARS OLD) Language English(U.S.) Description Based on Solution Focused Brief Therapy Group answer thre following question -The miracle question is often asked by the SFBT group leader. What applications do you see of this technique? What […]
References American Addiction Center, (2022). Demi Lovato talks about her cocaine addiction. Engelbrecht, J. (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). Addressing the family of origin as a cause of addiction: a treatment programme for substance abuse (Doctoral dissertation). Engelbrecht, J., & Gouws, F. E. (2017). The treatment of substance addiction […]
Locate the information for your local or state representative(s) responsible for the policy and/or policy alternative you selected earlier in the course. Review the advocacy resources from the Council on Social Work Education and the American Psychological Association from the Learning Resources this week. Review the letter and email examples from the Sample Letters and […]