‘- Research Essay Topic Example: – UNIT 215 SUPPORT CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES AND SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDSOUTCOME 1 KNOW THE RIGHTS OF DISABLED CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE AND THOSE WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDSUnderstand the rights of disabled children and young people and those with special educational needs (SEND)?The Equality Act Individuals have the right not to be discriminated against because of their disability.The children and families act 2014 sets out its aims for children to:Get education, 1.2 Describe the assessment and intervention frameworks for disabled children and young people and those with special educational needs.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.Online Assignment Help Service – – Get top-rated homework assistance online by professional writers. Free of AI and Plagiarism.- The procedure at work within Linthorpe Community Primary School (LCPS) is in accordance with the current Code of Practice for SEND (2014). They have a whole school approach to continually assessing, planning, implementing, and reviewing their approach to teaching all children. Teachers use a range of sources of information to identify potential special educational needs (SEN) including:Teachers assessment and experience of the childPupil progress, attainment and behaviour.The child’s development in comparison with their peers.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
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Free of AI and Plagiarism.- The views and experiences of parents.The child’s own viewsAdvice from external support services e.g. Speech and Language Therapy, Visual/Hearing Impairment.A class teacher with an initial concern will share information they have gathered and discuss the pupil’s need with the (Special Educational Needs or Disability Co-ordinator SENDCo), to consider possible placement on the SEND register.SEN Support (also know as the Single Category’) is the school and early years-based category for additional support for children with special educational needs.Special Educational needs and provision fall under four broad areas:Communication and interactionCognition and learningSocial, mental and emotional healthSensory and/or physicalOnce potential special educational need is identified, four types of action is taken by the school to put effective support in place ” Assess, Plan, Do Review ” this is the graduated approach called SEND Support. Classroom teachers are at the heart of the SEN Support system driving the movement around these four stages with the support and guidance of the SENDCo and specialist staff.1.3 Describe the benefits of early recognition and intervention for disabled children and young people with those with special educational needsThe benefits of early recognition and intervention for disabled child and young children with special educational needs are as follows:To provide support to the family: Early intervention is important for a child’s family because of the additional stress which can be caused by having a child with special educational needs (SEND) often affects the family’s well-being. Early intervention leads parents changing their attitude towards their child and becoming better able to deal with their child’s behaviourisms.To maximise the child’s contribution to society: Finally, by intervening early wide society will also theoretically reap the benefits later. It is suggested that the child’s increased development will go hand in hand with a decreased inter-dependence upon social institutions in later life and even enhance the child’s potential future employment opportunities.Some children are at risk of struggling to be independent, difficulty in loss of interest in making and keeping friendships, low self-esteem and confidence, sense of isolation, becoming withdrawn and aggressive behaviour.Earlier identification by a teacher or GP helps because it is better for the child to change and be able to lead a normal life or better life than before the child was identified with a difficulty. If the child is not identified there is an increased chance of a child being bullied from the other children. They may have difficulties accessing the curriculum, therefore not achieving their full potential at the setting, they can easily be distracted and lose concentration, if a child is supported through this, they can have a better outcome in life giving them confidence, social interaction, emotional support and self-esteem.Early intervention improves and enhances the development of child with developmental delays, special needs, or other concerns.It provides assistance and support to empower families of children with developmental delays, special needs, or other concerns.It lays a foundation that will improve the life of the child and offer greater opportunities.It supports the parents and siblings of children with special needs. Families often experience frustration, stress, disappointment, which can impact the well-being of the family and further affect the development of the special need’s child. It helps build a nurturing and supportive environment for the entire family.1.4 Describe the purpose of individual plans for disabled children and young people and those with special educational needsThe purpose of an Educational Health care plan (EHCP) for disabled and special educational needs (SEND) children is to make special educational provision and to provide extra educational support for young children aged between 1-25 years and to secure best outcomes for them in their education, health and social care and as they prepare them for adulthood.They are used for children who are not fulfilling their education and have a specific need. Educational Health Care plans can be used for children who require extra learning support lesson on one to one basis, but they should also be in place for those who are having extra support within the classroom, as well as for those who are being set differentiated classwork. An Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) is produced by the special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) teacher. The parent and the child will be informed and contributed to highlight any concerns of their child’s learning which they feel should be prioritised. Once the child’s needs have been identified. Homework help – Discussions will be made about the adjustments to the curriculum. Once sorted, the plan should be evaluated on a regular basis with new targets set or existing targets modified. 1.5 Describe the principles of working inclusively with disabled children and young people and those with special educational needs? The mission statement of our school states thatwe believe that everyone is equal,everyone is different, everyone is welcomeand everyone achieves their best.At Linthorpe Community Primary School (LCPS) they believe in inclusion for all the children and value all the children. They believe that all children have an equal right to education, which enables them to fully develop their personal, social and intellectual potential. At Linthorpe Community Primary School (LCPS) they have a commitment to high achievement and they strive to provide all the children with a quality education matched appropriately to their particular needs. The purpose of working inclusively is to ensure that all learners can access mainstream education. Diversity enriches and strengthens communities.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
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