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Assignment: Process Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment and
Distributed Computing
Due Date: 26th October 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online
Weighting: 40%
Group or Individual: Individual/Group of Two
1 Assignment Description
Task 1: Client-Server Computing
You only need to attempt this task if you are aiming to achieve a mark up to 64%
for this assignment.
You have been commissioned to develop a client/server system for an online games provider
to expand their current offerings to registered clients. The company wishes to offer to their
current clients the game of Minesweeper.
Minesweeper is a single-player game, with the objective of placing flags on a grid of either
empty tiles, or tiles containing “mines”. The player does not know the location of these mines
at the beginning of a round, yet must place the flags in the correct locations, which is the main
challenge of the game. A tile can be revealed to discover how many mines are adjacent to it,
as a hint to where the mines lie. However, if a tile containing a mine is revealed, the game is
The following outlines the basic premise of the game of Minesweeper:
1. 10 mines are randomly placed on a 9×9 grid, with the locations unknown to the player.
2. From the player’s perspective, all the tiles start in the “unknown” state.
3. The player can either select a tile to “reveal” what is underneath or place a flag on the
4. When a player reveals a tile, which does not contain a mine, if the tile is adjacent to a
mine (meaning a mine is in one of the surrounding 8 tiles), the tile is filled in with the
number of adjacent mines. Otherwise, the tile is replaced with a zero, and the process
repeats recursively for each of its neighbours, stopping once a tile with a nonzero
number of adjacent mines is encountered.
5. If a player reveals a tile which contains a mine, the game is over, and the player loses.
6. Once a player has placed flags on all the tiles which contain mines, the player wins.
This is different to the classic Minesweeper game, where all non-mine tiles must be
revealed, to simplify game logic.
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This game will be simulated using a distributed system architecture. The server determines the
placement of the mines and maintains the state of the game grid. The client should therefore
receive input from the player, and relay this to the server. The server can then simulate the
player’s move and transmit the new state of the grid to the client. Only the visible tiles should
be sent to the client.
The client and server will be implemented in the C programming language using BSD sockets
on the Linux operating system. This is the same environment used during the weekly practicals.
The programs (clients and server) are to run in a terminal reading input from the keyboard and
writing output to the screen.
You will have acquired all the necessary knowledge and skills to complete the assignment by
attending all the lectures and practicals, and completing the associated reading from the text
The server will take only one command line parameter that indicates which port the server is
to listen on. If no port number is supplied the default port of 12345 is to be used by the server.
The following command will run the server program on port 12345.
./server 12345
The server is responsible for ensuring only registered clients of the system can play
Minesweeper. A file named Authentication.txt contains the names and the passwords of all
registered clients. This file should be located in the same directory as the server binary file.
This file is not to be changed.
The company has requested that the state of the game be deterministic, with a fixed random
seed of 42. This can be done using the srand() function at the beginning of the program, as
Figure 1: Seeding the random number generator
What the use of a fixed random seed means is that the first game played on the server after it
has started will have the same mines in the same locations each time. The second game will
have a different set of mines, but they will be the same as the second game played on a different
invocation of the server, and so forth.
The server should not be able to take any input from the terminal once it is running. The only
way that the server is to exit is upon receiving a SIGINT from the operating system (an interrupt
signal). SIGINT is a type of signal found on POSIX systems and in the Linux environment this
means ctrl+c has been pressed at the server terminal. You need to implement a signal handler
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and ensure the server exits cleanly. This means the server needs to deal elegantly with any
threads that have been created as well as any open sockets, dynamically allocated memory
and/or open files. When the server receives a SIGINT, it is to immediately commence the
shutdown procedure even if there are currently connected clients.
In the 9th edition of the textbook, Section 4.6.2 Signal Handling on page 183 has an
introduction to signal handlers and Section 18.9.1 Synchronisation and Signals on page 818
has a detailed description of signals on Linux.
The client will take two (2) command line parameters: hostname and port number. The
following command will run the client program connecting to the server on port 12345.
./client server_IP_address 12345
The game of Minesweeper is only available to registered clients of the company’s online
gaming system. Once the client program starts the client must authenticate by entering a
registered name and password which appear in the Authentication.txt file located on the server.
After the server validates the client’s credentials the client program can proceed to the main
menu. If the client does not authenticate correctly the socket is to be immediately closed. (see
Figure 2 & Figure 3)
Figure 2: Client logon screen
Figure 3: Unsuccessful client logon
The client program should be a menu driven application. The client program will have three
options: Play Minesweeper, Show Leaderboard, and Exit. (Figure 4)
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Figure 4: Client main menu
If the client elects to play a game of Minesweeper, the server is to allocate storage for the state
of the client’s game, including the grid of 9×9 tiles. All tiles should start in the unrevealed state.
One possible method for storing the game state could be with a C struct, covered earlier in the
Figure 5: Example struct for tiles
After allocating and initializing the storage for the game state, the server should randomly
place 10 mines on the playfield. To ensure that the game operates deterministically, the
following algorithm should be used to place the mines:
Figure 6: Algorithm for placing mines
The do..while loop is necessary, as it is possible for the random number generator to choose
coordinates where a mine has already been laid.
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At this point, the server should wait for the client to send it a set of coordinates to reveal a tile
or place a flag.
It is not a requirement to draw a complex graphical representation of the Minesweeper
playfield. Instead, a simple textual representation should be used by the client program to
• The number of remaining mines in the playfield.
• The state of each tile on the grid.
Figure 7 contains a mockup of what your interface should resemble after a new game has been
Figure 7: Empty Minesweeper grid
If the player chooses one of the first two options (revealing a tile, or placing a flag), the client
should prompt for two coordinates, representing the row, then the column. The client should
then send these coordinates to the server, which will update the internal state accordingly, and
send the new game state to the client. If the third option is chosen, the client should exit from
the game loop, and return to the main menu.
If the client requests that a tile be revealed, the server should first check to see if that tile has
already been revealed. If that is the case, an error should be sent to the client. If the tile has not
been revealed, one of three paths should be taken:
• If the tile does not contain a mine, and has a non-zero number of adjacent tiles, the tile
should be set to revealed, and the number of adjacent mines should be sent to the client.
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Figure 8: Revealing tile with one adjacent mine
• If the tile contains zero adjacent mines, this process should be repeated for all
surrounding tiles, stopping when a tile with a non-zero number of adjacent tiles is
found. This can be achieved using recursion and checking each of the 8 neighbouring
tiles. All these revealed tiles should be sent to the client.
Figure 9: Revealing tile with zero adjacent mines
• If the tile contains a mine, the game is over. The server should send the locations of all
the remaining mines to the client, and the client should display these to the player.
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Figure 10: Player reveals a tile with a mine
If the player opts to place a flag, the client should again prompt for a pair of coordinates and
send this to the server. If a mine exists at that location, the server should decrement the number
of remaining mines, and check for the win condition (explained below). If no mine exists at the
location, the client should be informed, and display an appropriate message. This is another
difference from the classic Minesweeper game.
Figure 11: Placing a flag on a mine
After a flag has been successfully played, the win condition should be checked. This condition
is true when there are zero remaining mines. If true, the game should finish, report the number
of seconds it took to win the game, and the client should return to the main menu.
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Figure 12: Flags placed on all mines
The amount of time the game has been played for needs to be tracked by the server, to prevent
players from cheating. Make use of time functions in the C standard library (such as time()) to
store when a player begins their game and when they finish.
A leaderboard needs to be maintained for all games of Minesweeper played. A registered user
can request an up-to-date report of the fastest games of Minesweeper that have been played.
The output for the leaderboard can be seen in Figure 13, and should be displayed in descending
order of the number of seconds each successful game took to complete. This is to ensure the
best-played games (that is, those games that were played in the least time) appear at the bottom
and the player does not need to scroll up to see these.
If two or more games have the same number of seconds then the game played by the player
with the highest number of games won should be displayed last. If two or more games were
won in the same number of seconds by players with the same number of games won then
display those games by the names of their players in alphabetical order.
If no games have been won, an empty leaderboard should be displayed for as shown in Figure
14. The lifetime of the leaderboard is only to be maintained for the duration of the server
runtime. This information does not need to be persistent between server instances (so if the
server is shut down and restarted, the leaderboard will once more be blank until some games
have been won.)
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Figure 13: Example output of the leaderboard
Figure 14: No statistics for any players – no game has been played since server started.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The company has specifically requested that location of the mines
must never be sent to the client, to prevent unscrupulous users of the Minesweeper game
system from cheating. Therefore, the state of all tiles should remain unknown until either a flag
is placed on the mine tile, or the tile is revealed. After each move is played, the coordinates
must be sent to the server for processing. This means most of the game logic must be
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implemented on the server side. How this is accomplished is an implementation decision for
you, as the programmer, to decide.
The client/server system is all console based. No bonuses will be given for complex user
interfaces. The implementation for Task 1 does not need to handle concurrent connections and
therefore does not need to be multithreaded.
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Task 2: Multithreaded Programming & Process Synchronisation
You only need to attempt this task if you are aiming to achieve a mark up to 84%
for this assignment.
The server you have implemented in Task 1 can only handle a single request at a time. You are
required to extend the server to accept multiple concurrent connections. As each new
connection is made, a new thread is created to handle the client request.
The server will allow multiple clients to use the system at the same time. You will need to
implement a system whereby the server can accept multiple concurrent connections. When a
client exits the thread allocated to the client is destroyed.
One potential problem that you must handle in this multithreaded programming task is a socalled
Critical-Section Problem because the leaderboard is a database that may be shared
among multiple concurrent connections, each of which may read or update the database. You
must make sure that there will no connection that is updating the leaderboard while other
connections are reading it. However, it is fine to allow multiple connections to read the
leaderboard concurrently.
This critical-section problem is similar to the Readers-Writers Problem discussed in Lecture 5.
Thus, you may reuse the solution to the Readers-Writers Problem. In this critical-section
problem, each client (connection) may play the role of Reader or Writer at a time. While the
client (connection) plays the Minesweeper game, its role is Writer as at the end of the game, it
will update the leaderboard; while the client (connection) displays the leaderboard, its role is
Reader as it only read data from the leaderboard, but never update the leaderboard.
A second issue to note is the random number generator. As C’s rand() function is not threadsafe,
accesses to this function must be synchronised (e.g. with a mutex).
Task 3: Thread Pool
You only need to attempt this task if you are aiming to achieve a mark up to 100%
for this assignment.
The server will allow up to 10 clients to use the system at the same time. After the maximum
of 10 clients have connected, if a new client tries to connect either the new client will have to
wait for another user to exit or the connection may be dropped.
You will need to implement a thread pool where each incoming connection is handled in a
separate thread. A thread pool reduces the cost of constantly creating and destroying threads to
handle requests. Instead, threads are reused to handle connections. It also limits the number of
incoming connections to guarantee the performance of the server.
You can implement your own Thread Pool reusing the producer consumer pattern from the
weekly practicals, where the main thread accepts incoming sockets and places them in a queue
(the producer) and 10 threads remove sockets from the queue and process the connection (the
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consumer). You may also use or adapt the complete Thread Pool implementation provided in
the weekly practicals.
2 Submission
Your assignment solution will be submitted electronically via Blackboard before 11:59pm on
26th October 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online. If you work in a group, you only need to submit one copy of your group
assignment. Your submission should be a zip file and the file name should contain the student
number(s) and include the following items:
• All source code of your solution.
• The make file that you used for generating the executable files, if any.
• A report in Word Document Format or PDF which includes:
a) A statement of completeness indicating the tasks you attempted, any deviations from
the assignment specification, and problems and deficiencies in your solution.
b) Information about your team, including student names and student numbers, if
c) Statement of each student’s contributions to the assignment. If all members of the group
contributed equally, then it is sufficient to state this explicitly.
d) Description of the data structure(s) used for representing the playfield.
e) Description of the data structure that is used for the leaderboard in your implementation.
f) Description of how the critical-section problem is handled in Task 2, if applicable.
g) Description of how the thread pool is created and managed in Task 3, if applicable.
h) Instructions on how to compile and run your program.
Note: If the program does not compile on the command line in the Linux environment used
during each weekly practical, your submission will be heavily penalised. Implementations
written in Visual Studio or other IDEs that do not compile on the Linux command line will
receive a mark of zero (0).
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