Backward design unit plan | Education Assignment: I need help writing a research paper.
Backward Design Unit Plan
- Read Chapter 9: Planning for Learning, (the section titled, The WHERETO elements in instructional planning) in the Wiggins and McTighe (2005) text.
Content Instructions
Template – Use the Backward Design Unit Plan Template
to complete your final unit plan including all of the following:
- Stage 1: Desired Results (UEKS)
- Established goal (G) – Identify the relevant goals will this design address (Stated as content standards, course or program outcomes, etc.)
- Understandings (U) – minimum of two big ideas
- Essential Questions (E) – minimum of two provocative questions that will foster inquiry, understanding, and transfer learning
- Knowledge (K) and Skills (S) – minimum of two written as student-centered, measurable learning objectives/outcomes
- Stage 2: Assessment Evidence
- Performance Tasks (T) – Describe at least one authentic performance task used to assess student understanding or ability
- Other Evidence (OE) – Describe at least two different types of evidence used to measure student understanding or ability
- Stage 3: Learning Plan
- WHERETO – Identify learning activities for each of the WHERETO elements. Label each activity with its respective element (Where; Hook and Hold; Equip; Rethink, Reflect, and Revise; Evaluate; Tailor; and Organized)
Written Reflection – On a separate page (within the same document) and following the template, address each of the following:
- Rigor –Describe the degree to which your assessments and learning activities provide cognitive rigor (Bloom’s and/or Webb’s DOK).
- Engagement – Discuss assessments and learning activities in your plan that will engage learners.
- Century skills – Describe the 21st-century skills addressed in your plan.
Written Communication Instructions
- Length Requirement: Four to six pages including the Backward Design Unit Plan Template
, written reflection, title, and references pages.
- Syntax and Mechanics: Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.
- Source Requirement: Reference Wiggins and McTighe (2005), Lopez (2013), and Partnership for 21st Century Learning. Exemplary assignments will include at least two other resources from your own research or from those listed as a Recommended Resource, found in the Weekly Lesson, or any related resource previously assigned during Weeks 1-6.
- APA Formatting: Use APA formatting consistently throughout the assignment. Refer to the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.) for assistance with APA style and formatting.
Submitting Your Assignment
- Submit your assignment for evaluation. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include the link to your ePortfolio in the comments box when uploading.
- Archive your assignment in your ePortfolio by uploading to your Folio account. Once assignments are uploaded to your ePortfolio, they are considered artifacts and will be referenced as such.
- Once in your Folio account, select “Add Work.” Follow the step-by-step instructions.
- Once uploaded, add a title (e.g., Final Project: UbD Unit Plan) and a one- to two-sentence description.
- Select “Education” as the category and give it the same title as the previous step. Your artifact should now be viewable in your Portfolio.
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