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Emergency Managment

Emergency Managment
Visit the Interaction website at Select a member organization from their member list and go to that organization’s website. Investigate what that organization does in response to disasters. In what countries around the world is that organization working right now? If a disaster happened in the United States, would that organization respond. Why or why not?

Emergency Managment
According to life facts, more than one million brains are formed every second in the first year of a child’s life. Yearly, eight-hundred and twenty-thousand children’s lives could be saved if the government intervened and assisted women at their breastfeeding season. For every dollar invested in improving children’s health in the first 1000 days, thirty-five dollars are earned as a return invenstment (Canton, 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers). One thousand days is the time between a woman’s pregnancy and the child’s second birthday. The days are considered vulnerable for both the mother and the baby, especially on nutrition.
The first 100 days are the days where the baby’s brain is developing according to biology and neuroscience reseach. According to research, the days are essential for the baby’s future, where lack of proper nutrition may affect child’s health even in adulthood. The 1000 days foundation focus on women, and children’s nutrition, environment, and relationships in the first 1000 days in disadvantaged countries, such as Bangladesh, Niger, and Malawi (Headey,et,al.,2020). According to the foundation’s scope, the first 1000 days can be very impactful in a child’s health, where the low living can damage the child’s brain development, the child’s ability to perform in school, and trauma. Mostly, children exposed to poor nutrition within the first 1000 days end up having health complications, such as chronic diseases, diabetes, and obesity.

Response to Disasters.
The first 1000 days is a non-profit organization that works in the united states, and across the world responding to women, and chikdren living in unhealthy environments, and inadequate food. (Schwarzenberg, Georgieff, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). Also, the organization ensure women and children receive adequate nutrition within the first 1000 days. The organization mission is to invests fully in children and women in the united states and across the world. The organization also educates women on how to offer good nutrition and take care of their babies in their development period. Additionally, the organization focus on mobilizing policymakers, parents, and the global community interested in ensuring children and women have a healthy future.
Globally, hundreds of millions of children do not receive proper healthcare and food in the first 1000 days, including the united states. The organization seeks to assist most developing countries, such as India, Kenya, and Kentucky, to have good nutrition and health care. On the other hand, millions of children die every year due to a lack of proper nutrition at their early development stage, which requires energy for body development. Maternal and infant mortality rates are increasing daily due to population growth, poverty, and low economic status (Canton, 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers). A more robust and more impactful beginning for children leads to higher healthcare costs, poverty, and a weak economy. To avoid health issues in children, the 1000 days organization provides an opportunity for parents, such as breastfeeding support, a better diet for babies and toddlers, and a better environment for the underprivileged (Schwarzenberg, Georgieff, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online).
Currently, during the COVID-19 pandemic, more than six million children are not receiving adequate nutrition and health care. The child wasting issue may impact the children’s future, where children are likely to die on their fifth birthday compared to healthy children (Headey,et,al.,2020). Also, the virus has led to many children’s death, where the children have been the most affected. According to research, case of malnourishment will be experienced longer even after the pandemic because of economic instability. The consequences of low malnutrition can be very severe, impacting children’s behavior, cognitive development, physical and social well-being (Varakina-Mitrail,et,al., 2020). Children with chronic malnutrition tend to be ineffective in their school and future employment, and lastly, give birth to malnourished children.
The case of malnutrition can affect a child the entire life, having a low immunity and danger of contracting chronic diseases in their adulthood (Schwarzenberg, Georgieff, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). The 1000 organizations find the root cause of malnourished children and provide necessary resources, such as medicine, food, training, and clean water (Headey,et,al.,2020). The 1000 days organization understands the different causes of malnourishment in children, hence addressing the causes. For instance, early marriages, lack of sanitary living conditions, and insufficient access to health care are the significant causes of malnourishment. For instance, in Niger, as the most affected country, Three out of four girls are married, and others with children before their eighteenth birthday. 1000days organization helps countries, such as Lebanon and Congo access quality after, access food by helping farmers raise produce and income, hence preventing children’s death and mothers.
The 1000-day organization responds to hunger cases through an initiative known as the WASH in efforts to attain one of the primary goals of promoting a suitable and healthy environment for children’s development. The 1000 organization focus on preventing stunted growth among children in developing countries of children with fewer privileges. The WASH initiative prevents environmental Enteric Dysfunction (EED), diarrhea, and socio-economic issues (Varakina-Mitrail, et,al., 2020). The baby WASH concept aims at improving the healthcare of children in theory, early development stages, or within the first 1000 days of childhood.
Additionally, the baby WASH initiative works on eradicating hunger and catering to undernutrition children through collaboration with schools and hospitals. According to research, children who readily access water and a well-sanitized environment report low to no malnutrition cases and contraction of diseases. Improving sanitation is one of the response plans for 1000 days organization (Headey,et,al.,2020). The organization promotes hand-washing by offering detergents and hand sanitizers during a pandemic, such as a coronavirus pandemic. Also, the organization works to improve water quality through the use of safe chemicals to clean water that children can access before the age of two.
According to world health organization, lack of proper sanitation of unfavorable health environments causes repeated diarrhea, malaria, acute respiratory diseases, and soil-transmitted infections, also known as helminths (Schwarzenberg, Georgieff, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). Lack of access to sanitation, and domestic water, causes malnutrition child’s physical health issues, mental health issues for the mother, and contraction of skin diseases. The 1000- the initiative is the current disaster by catering for children and women within the first 1000days. The organization provides life-saving therapeutic foods, assists breastfeeding mothers, provides vitamin A supplements to children, and provides prenatal medicines to mothers for the well being of the infant.
The baby WASH approach provided by the organization helps break fecal-oral exposure, leading to bacterial infection in a child’s body. The 1000 organizations provide the proper sanitation, enhance water availability, maternal newborn, child health (MNCH), nutrition, and early childhood development (Headey,et,al.,2020). Some of the baby WASH objectives include improving the mother’s hygiene conditions, promoting hygiene among parents in food preservation and storage, Avoiding fecal-oral pathways during the child’s exploratory and teething stage. On the other hand, the baby WASH initiative ensures the baby breastfeeds in the first six months. During the complementary stage, the organization ensures the baby can access clean food and water. The initiative also creates awareness to mothers concerning infant diseases and women’s health, hence encouraging health-seeking behaviors.
Provision of prenatal vitamins: Prenatal vitamins are supplements given to women to improve maternal health and prevent nutrient deficiencies. The 1000 organization offers supplements to prevent micronutrient deficiency common to women in developing countries and teenage mothers (Schwarzenberg, Georgieff, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). The organization has made prenatal vitamins available in most hospitals to prevent maternal deaths and childbirth complications. The organization has been distributing maternal multiple micronutrient supplementation (MMS). The supplements improved the health of mothers and that of infants. On the other side, the first 1000 days organization offers iron-folic supplements to hospitals and the community, which protect the baby from neural tube defects, spinal Bifida, and anencephaly.
Supporting breastfeeding mothers.: The first 1000 days organization supports mothers after giving birth. Breast milk is considered the best milk for children’s brain and physical development (Tengkawan,,et,al.,2020). The 1000 organizations create awareness of the importance of breastfeeding children, such as protection from diseases, especially during the COVI-19 pandemic. The organization provides food and health care to women at this stage, readily available and cost-effective.
Therapeutic food: The 1000 days organization offers ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to save lives (Varakina-Mitrail, 2020). During a crisis or in underprivileged countries, the organization offers therapeutic foods for survival and protects children from malnutrition. Most children get affected during a crisis, especially in their first 1000 days. The organization avoids stock-outs by asking for support from the government, from donors, policymakers, and in collaboration with other organizations. According to research, investment in nutrition during the COVID-19 pandemic will save the future by avoiding economic issues, hunger, and low health status (Schwarzenberg, Georgieff, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). The united states are in the frontline in efforts to invest in food production and save children from the crisis, as the most impactful life-saving intervention, for the next generation.
Vitamin A supplement: the 1000 organizations supply vitamin A supplements to children across the world yearly (Headey,et,al.,2020). The organization focuses on preventing children’s blindness, stunted growth, and diarrhea, leading to maternal death. On the other side, the 10000 organization responds to children affected by poverty, crisis, and hunger.
According to statistics, underprivileged countries experience low income in future due to failure to invest in children, and women health. Children and women end up having health issues that limit them from working . Countries end up spending a lot of money on healthcare and nutrition for situations that could have been avoided earlier (Schwarzenberg, Georgieff, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). Investing in children’s well-being within the first 1000 days is key to a good life and a productive future for the country. One thousand organizations focus on building brains, building health, building a fair start, and prosperities. The 1000 organization creates a united states picture and a global picture in responingd to the staggering human potential.
The organization focuses more on the disadvantaged communities, where the initiatives require political will and massive government investment. The organizations work behind various guiding principles focused on maintaining human dignity, respecting human rights, and promoting equity (Headey,et,al.,2020). The organization ensures that disadvantaged mothers thrive and prosper in society, work under the belief that every child has the right to food, and health care, believe that every mother has the right to provide for the child, and promotes a world free of hunger diseases. Additionally, the 1000-day organization support and believe women have the power to change the world.
Current Project
Currently, the 1000 days organization is serving many countries globally due to the impacts of corona virus on expectant women, and children. Breastfeeding during the pandemic, accessing food, accessing healthcare are the major issues in most countries worldwide. (Schwarzenberg, Georgieff, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). The organization is working in countries such as the Bangladesh, and Malawi. The 1000 days organization is asking global donors to provide supportive funds to fight the nutrition crisis. The organization has provided that childhood malnutrition is a priority currently and reducing hunger in most parts of the country woud protect the next generation.
The organization calls for urgent action from other organizations, such as RESULTS Canada, the save the children movement, Harvest plus, the international rescue committee, and the bread of the world initiative (Headey,et,al.,2020). The 1000 organization is working on getting food donations from the global nutrition community to address the top food security and nutrition challenges among children and women. The 1000-day organization is addressing acute malnutrition through community-based management of acute malnutrition/(CMAM) among the poor community, such as Bangladesh, Malawi, India, Rwanda, Uganda, Vietnam, and Samoa.
On the other hand, the 1000 days organizations have reached farmers in Uganda and other areas to assist in accessing planting materials. The organization has provided the GAFSP funding in improving production, especially iron-rich beans and sweet potatoes for children. The initiative has focused on children’s health, where around five hundred and seventy-five thousand women and two hundred and seventy children received nutritional services (Tengkawan,,et,al.,2020). Parents and children were taught how to wash hands, store food, and maintain hygienic conditions to avoid getting sick from the corona. The 1000 days organization has collaborated with the world bank project to enhance food and livestock rearings, such as rice, wheat, and lentil. The organization has also provided cows, chicken, and fisheries in Bangladesh to cater to the ongoing hunger strike that has affected everyone, including children and women.
The 1000 days organization, in collaboration with the world bank, has supported women-self-help groups in India to meet their personal and family needs. The organization has supported vulnerable families with food and finances for children’s care. The organization has helped boost the women’s self-group that has been working on self-development and providing the best for children (Tengkawan,,et,al.,2020). Other countries currently going through poverty, nutrition, and child health care, includes Somalia, Niger, Congo, Madagascar, Peru, and South Sudan.
According to reports from the 1000 days organization, children and mothers have missed feeding classes and other essential services offered to a post-partum mother during the pandemic. The rate of maternal death has increased, where most children have lost their lives out of bad latch and tongue tie. The struggle of mothers that cannot access medical attention, proper nutrition has been a problem. Children from countries are have lost weight due to disrupted feeding plans. Lack of breast milk has been a problem because most mothers are forced to buy formula, which is very expensive (Tengkawan,,et,al.,2020). The impoverished countries have been impacted severely by the pandemic, mostly women and children. The organization is currently receiving support from twenty-three countries to support millions of children losing essential nutrition.
United States Response
Yes, the 1000 days organization would assist the united states incase of a disaster because the organization caters for all countries globally, including the united states. According to the world health organization, America, women and children are victims of malnutrition and breastfeeding problems. American mothers deal with obesity because of too many gain weights during pregnancy, while some get into pregnancy while obese. The case of obesity has affected the mother’s inability to access prenatal care (Tengkawan,,et,al.,2020). Lack of prenatal care affects the baby and may lead to complications during birth or giving birth to unhealthy babies. On the other hand, most children in the united states are born obese, while others with the diabetic issue due to mothers’ diet.
On the other hand, most mothers in the united states face issues of unpaid leaves during maternity. Mothers are affected financially, hence unable to access quality health, quality food, hence neglecting to breastfeed. In the united states, toddlers are exposed to poor nutrition, where most children do not consume vegetables, water, and fruits. Most of the united states’ foods consist of too many fats and sugars, hence affecting the weight of toddlers, mothers in the breastfeeding stage, and complementary feeding (Tengkawan,,et,al.,2020). The 1000 days organization can be efficient and useful in responding to children and mothers in their first 1000 days. The organization may help address nutrition, assisted women going through unpaid leave, andtr4aining women on the importance of breastfeeding and proper nutrition.
The 1000 days organization trains health care experts n the importance of health care to pregnant and after birth mothers and early nutrition of breast milk (Canton, 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers). According to the world health organization, the 1000 days organization urges companies to market breast milk substitutes, such as child formula, to promote children’s health. On the other hand, the organization trains mothers in the united states on the healthy benefits of breast milk from infancy to two years, as the nurtures superfood (Tengkawan,,et,al.,2020). Lastly, the 1000 days organization focuses on promoting mothers’ health by training mothers on consuming healthy food, such as fruits, vegetables, and foods with nutrients to prevent giving birth to unhealthy babies. According to the 1000 days organization, nutrition is a foundation to fair and equal beginnings. One thousand days organization is a united states and a global health initiative that focuses on responding to women and children in their first 1000 days. The organization focuses on impoverished countries were accessing food, proper sanitation, and healthcare is a problem. Malnourishment in children is a critical condition that affects not only the future of the children but also the future of a country.
Investing in children’s and women’s health is a very impactful investment for a country, according to 1000 days organization. Children growing up in poverty and crisis-prone areas require intervention by providing resources, such as food, and healthcare (Tengkawan,,et,al.,2020). The organization emphasize on assisting women during breastfeeding, complementary feeding,and early child development stage (Canton, 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers). The organization assists mothers and children in the united states due to the high cases of obesity, poor diet, and unpaid leaves. The 1000 days organization has been very impactful in responding to critical issues during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The organization has assisted countries such as Uganda, Malawi, Bangladesh, Congo, Somalia, and South Sudan in developing ways of increasing food production for children and women’s health.

Canton, L. G. (2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers). Emergency management: Concepts and strategies for effective programs. John Wiley & Sons.
Schwarzenberg, S. J., & Georgieff, M. K. (2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). Advocacy for improving nutrition in the first 1000 days to support childhood development and adult health. Pediatrics, 141(2), e20173716.
Varakina-Mitrail, K., Berezovskaya, Y., Nechaeva, V., & Kholodova, I. (2020). How does the food in the first 1000 days affect infant and toddler brain development?. Functional Foods in Health and Disease, 10(10), 419-427.
Tengkawan, J., Anandhika, A., John, R. E., Ihyauddin, Z., Jessica, K., & Karuniawaty, T. P. (2020, August). Children Growth Awareness: An Important Role for Reaching the Optimal First 1000 Days in Life. In International Conference on Early Childhood Education and Parenting 2009 (ECEP 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers) (pp. 146-150). Atlantis Press.
Headey, D. D., Cho, A., Goudet, S., Oketch, J. A., & Oo, T. Z. (2020). The impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on maternal and child malnutrition in Myanmar: What to expect, and how to protect (Vol. 14). Intl Food Policy Res Inst.

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