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Posted: August 26th, 2022

World Cup Soccer

World Cup Soccer
I need help writing my essay – research paper choose a sporting event (World Cup Soccer) and Identify some aspect of their organization. Analyze, summarize, and make critical contributions.

Private regulation of sporting events. Common rules:
– Olympic Charter – Doping (WADA)
– Conflict resolution (TAS)

General principles of operation and status of participant and specific rules of each sport:
– Rules of the game
– Competition rules
– Disciplinary regulation
– Rules of the Statute of the participants (player, coach, manager, intermediaries)
– Doping control regulations
– Advertising regulations – retransmission regulations
– Regulation for the organization of competitions
Soccer is undoubtedly the most popular sport played in the universe. Currently, there are an estimated 250 million players in over 200 nations and their dependencies. Also, over half of the world’s population enjoys soccer as a sport. The world cup is the largest event that occurs every four years, where the best countries in football will compete against each other. The popularity of soccer continues to increase despite the game being around for fifteen decades. Countries like Argentina, Brazil, and Italy are considered “soccer countries” due to the massive fan support for the sport that it has become like a religion in some countries.
Notably, the massiveness of football and world cup soccer cannot be run without stipulated guidelines and regulations. There are various general principles of operation and the rules specific to the sport, including game rules, the competition rules, disciplinary regulations, the rules of the participants’ statute, and regulations for doping control. Regulations related to advertising and re-transmission and the rules to be followed by the organizers of respective competitions. This research paper intends to discuss the various rules and regulations related to world cup soccer. Understanding the different regulations has been implemented to ensure that the game is played fairly, with utmost fun, and with the highest standard of security.
The Rules of the Game
At the World Cup Soccer event, the International Soccer Rules have been developed to be followed by the players and enforced by the referees during the game. The 17 International Rules of Soccer, also known as the Game Laws, were developed by FIFA, the World Soccer Governing Body. It is prudent to note that the International Football Association Board (IFAB) is responsible for maintaining and updating the soccer rules and regulations annually (Competize, 2020). The board comprises eight members, with half of them coming from FIFA and the other four coming from England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales. These countries were primarily selected as they played a fundamental role in the sport’s development. International soccer rules are not different from each significant league’s official soccer rules across the universe.
These seventeen rules, which are known as the laws of the Games which include:
● Law 1: The Field of Play
This law focuses on the type and measurements of the soccer field, including green in color that could either be grass or artificial turf, rectangular and uniquely marked with two short goal lines and two long touchlines. The field is divided into two halves and separated by a halfway line that runs from each of the touchline’s midpoints (Competize, 2020). The halfway line’s midpoint should be marked center point with a lined center circle around it whose radius is 10 yards. The opposition players are not permitted to enter the circle during the kick-off. The touchline’s length should be greater than the goal-line’s length.
The regulation lengths include a minimum length of the touchline being 90m and a maximum of 120m; goal-line width should be a minimum of 45m and a maximum of 90m, the field’s ends should e an 8-yard wide goal-centered along the goal line, 6 yards should be present from each goal post along with the goal line handout into the field which needs to be perpendicular to the goal line to form the goal box, the penalty box should extend 18years from each goal post along the goal line and 18 yards out into the field and should be perpendicular to the goal line. Finally, a five-foot-high corner flag should be present in each of the field’s corners.
● Law 2: The Ball
The soccer ball should be shaped spherically and made of leather or another material of comparable medium. Its circumference should be between 27 to 28inches. The law applies to the formally sanctioned matches since the youth leagues will primarily use smaller balls suited for children.
● Law 3: The Number of Players
Generally, the matches are played by two teams constituting 11 members from each side, with the goalkeeper being part of the 11-player team. In case a team cannot provide at least seven players in the field at the time of the match, the game is considered a forfeit. However, youth teams will have fewer members since they are used as developmental tools (, 2020). The matches sanctioned by FIFA are allowed three substitutions for each match, which could only enter the halfway line if a referee has approved and the player being subbed has left the pitch. Any person could substitute the goalkeeper on the pitch or an eligible substitute on the bench.
● Lawn 4: the Player’s Equipment.
All players need to wear a jersey, shorts, shin guards, socks, and cleats. Socks have to cover the entire shin guards. In case the referee considers a player’s equipment to be unsatisfactory, then the player could be sent off until a remedy is found.
● Law 5: The Referee:
This is the field’s authority, with his or her word being the law. Questioning the decision of the referee could lead to further disciplinary action just for dissent.
● Law 6: the Assistant referees
These individuals’ primary duty is to assist the referee with their obligations, including to signal with a flag when the ball goes off play, a player has been fouled, or one is in an offside position.
● Law 7; The Match’s Duration
A soccer match will comprise two 45-minute halves with extra time added at the discretion of the referred. The halves’ separation is a half-time duration of not more than 15 minutes (Competize, 2020). Extra time should correspond to the time the referee considers to have been taken up by substitutions and injuries. While the game has an allotted time limit, the referee is ultimately the party to decide the match’s end.
● The Start and Restart of Play
A coin-toss will generally determine the game’s kick-off, with the winning team choosing to start the ball or choosing which goal to be attacked. The losing team will then heed to the choice not taken by the winner. Kick-off happens at the beginning of each half after a goal has been scored and is taken at the halfway line’s center. After a team has scored, the opposing team gets the kick-off to restart the match.
● Law 9: The Ball In and Out of Play
the ball is out of play when it has wholly crossed the goal-line; the referee’s touchline has stopped play for whatever reason. In case the ball strikes the goal’s frame for whatever reason or the referee, and it remains within the goal and touchlines, it is still in play.
● Law 10: The Scoring Method.
A goal has been scored when it has crossed the goal-line within the goal’s frame in its entirety. At the match’s end, the team with the most goals is considered the winner hindering any circumstantial necessity for extra time.
● Law 11: Offside
When the attacking player has received the ball in the opponents’ half, they should be level or behind the second to last defender. The last defender is typically the goalkeeper. This rule is only applicable when the player is involved with the play.
● Law 12: Fouls and Misconduct
A foul will occur when a player has unintentionally kicked or tripped another player as they go for the ball. At the same time, misconduct is an intentional kick, trip, swear, spits of anything by a player to disrupt the game’s sportsmanship. The fouls only happen when the ball is in play, but misconduct happens when the ball is out of play. The referee determines the disciplinary action of the player.
● Law 13: Free Kicks
A free-kick is given to a player that has been tripped, pushed, kicked, or obstructed in any manner during ball possession, the free-kick is taken directly on goal, and the wall needs to be 9.15 m from where the ball has been placed.
● Law 14: Penalty kick
The penalty kick is given to the attacking team when a player has been fouled while inside the penalty box or the defender has handled the ball using one’s hands. The game is stopped and referred points to the white dot located 11m from the goal. Everyone needs to be outside the penalty box as the shot is taken; thus, it is only the attacker and goalkeeper at play. The ball is officially in play when it is kicked; hence the game goes on.
● Law 16: Goal Kick
Often, the soccer game has restarted using a goal kick that has been awarded to the defending team once the attacking player last touched the ball before crossing the defender’s byline or goal line. The rules have indicated that the ball needs to be kicked hard enough to leave the penalty area, or the kick should be retaken.
● Law 17: Corner Kick
The corner kick occurs when the ball has crossed the defending team’s goal line and has also been lost touched by the defending player. The corner kick is considered a direct free-kick from the corner side when the ball went out. The ball needs to be placed inside the corner arc, and the defender should be 9.15m away from the ball.

Disciplinary Regulations
All the disciplinary events are to be handled as per the FIFA Disciplinary Code (FDC) implemented and all the relevant directives and circulars. The FDC is a set of codes and regulations that were promulgated by FIFA’s judicial bodies that consist of Disciplinary and Appeal Committees (Football Law, 2020). All the participating member associations need to adhere to the regulations. The FDCgives specific regulations on social networks, doping, corruption, arbitration, stadium bans, match manipulation, racism and discrimination, the enforcement of financial and non-financial decisions, intermediaries, the standard of proof, accessibility and transparency, and expediency (Football Law, 2020). According to the regulations, the players have assented to respecting the spirit of fair play, non-violence, and the authority granted to match officials, demonstrate proper behavior and refrain from doping defined by the FIFA Anti-Doping Regulations and accept all other relevant FIFA regulations, circulars and directives.
The participating member associations and the team delegation members need to comply with the FIFA Statutes, Disciplinary Code, and respective Code of Ethics, especially in the fight against discrimination, racism, and match-fixing activities (Football Law, 2020). The FIFA Disciplinary Committee will handle the violations of the FIFA Regulations and any other similar ones that are not under the jurisdiction of any other body as per the FIFA Disciplinary Code.
Doping Control Regulations
The participating members’ associations must have a medical doctor as part of their delegation in every match. To detect heart issues or risk factors that could cause sudden cardiac arrests and protect the health of players, participating members associations need to make sure all players undergo medical assessments before the start of the competition.
Notably, doping is strictly prohibited for the players in the world cup event. The FIFA Anti-Doping Regulations, the FIFA Disciplinary Code, and other relevant FIFA regulations, circulars, and directives provide doping rules. Doping is considered the occurrence of one or more of the anti-doping rule violations stipulated in the Anti-Doping regulations (FIFA, n.d.). The players and other involved stakeholders must be aware of the Anti-doping rules, what constitutes the violations, and the respective methods and substances that are part of the Prohibited List. Each player is hence to be subjected to testing at the matches one will be involved in and even while out of the competitions at any time and place. The player’s rights include having the team doctor or a present representative and informed on the entire process from the sample collection to the results. The player’s obligations include to remain in direct observation of the Doping Control Officer or a representative from FIFA until the sample collection process is complete, comply with the procedures of sample collections and should be informed of the potential consequences for not complying and finally reporting for a test unless there are reasonably valid reasons for a delay (FIFA, n.d.).
Advertising Regulations
FIFA’s marketing remains a fundamental component as the World Cup event is being planned, focusing on protecting the intellectual property rights related to the prominent FIFA brand. The rights influence every member association and all the world countries (Brandofino, 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers). Despite a member association having its own commercial and intellectual property rights concerning their national teams and competitions, they are subject to the rights stipulated by FIFAS. Apart from the member associations, FIFA will extend the rights to distinct entities in different industries who are called “Rights Holders.” These parties have been awarded commercial rights in media or advertising during the FIFA events and tournaments. The media rights could be limited to a particular region depending on FIFA’s discretion and encompass the privilege of using the brand in mass media communications or any other digital transmissions type (Brandofino, 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers).
Apart from following the rigid media and marketing regulations stipulated by FIFA, member associations must adhere to all terms in FIFA regulations or face disciplinary measures. Compliance with the regulations will include being restricted despite being a World Cup participant using FIFA’s media, marketing, or intellectual property rights unless with explicit permissions (Brandofino, 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers). The member associations are required to allow FIFA to use any of the rights within their countries freely. They should alter the local or national laws on time such that FIFA is hindered. The member countries need to notify FIFA promptly on any infringements known and effectively position the member associations to act as a law enforcement visit to protect from any infringement that could diminish the World Cup’s Value.
Competition’s Organizers Regulations
The organizing association’s responsibilities dealing with the World Cup event are stipulated under FIFA regulations, guidelines directives, and any other agreements made between FIFA and the Organizing association. Some of the responsibilities stipulated include ensuring that order and safety are continually maintained in cooperation with the respective government, particularly in and around the stadiums. Proper measures need to be taken to prevent and avoid any violent outbreaks. The headquarters and training grounds of every participating member association should also have their order and safety maintained.
The organizer should have concluded all insurance policies in consultation with FIFA to cover all risks, including enough liability insurance related to the stadiums, local organization, members of the organizing association, the employees, volunteers, and other parties involved in organizing the event. Liability insurance should also be in place to cover potential spectator accidents or deaths. There should also be enough ground staff and security guards to guarantee safety. The Organizing Committee is required to discharge FIFA from all responsibility and relinquish any claims against the latter and the delegation members for damages that have resulted from an action or an infection related to the organization and the FIFA.
Conflict Resolution Regulations
According to the FIFA Statutes, specifically Article 52, the primary FIFA judicial bodies are the Disciplinary, Appeal, and Ethics Committee. These bodies constitute members who have the knowledge, abilities, and expertise to ensure the due completion of tasks the Player Status Committee and the Dispute Resolution Chamber will handle particular contractual and regulatory disputes between the members association, clubs, officials, platers, legitimate match agents among other stakeholders (, 2020). The DRC will provide the arbitration and dispute resolution mechanisms on a foundation of equal representation of players and clubs governed by an independent chairperson. FIFA administration could choose to publish the decisions made from the resolution mechanisms. If they have confidential information, FIFA could choose to publish an anonymized or reduced version of the decision (, 2020).
Generally, there are extensive regulations stipulated by FIFA concerning the World Cup event. These regulations cover all the elements, including players, organizers, referees, member associations, and other involved stakeholders. FIFA is the governing body that requires all parties to adhere to these regulations.

Brandofino, N. A. (2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers). Kicking the Law: The Effects of FIFA Regulations on a World Cup Host Country’s Legislative Process Regarding Intellectual Property Protection. Brooklyn Journal of International Law, 45(1), 6.
Competize. (2020, August 18). Football rules ✅ soccer regulations, FIFA laws of the game. Retrieved from
FIFA. (n.d.). REGULATIONS (2020). Judicial bodies. Retrieved from
FIFA World Cup 2022. Retrieved from
Football Law. (2020). Football discipline — Football law. Retrieved from

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