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Posted: August 24th, 2022
Students will write an 8-page interview paper focusing on assessment and intervention within a New York City-based human service agency. The student will pick an interviewee (with approval from the professor) and will ask about the person’s training background, current job responsibilities, and their role in assessment and intervention with clients, communities, and organizations. The interviewee can be someone the student already knows or can be someone the student recruits via internship, through another class, or through another department or office at John Jay College. A brief list of questions will be given out in class. Recruiting the interviewee, conducting the interview, and using the data to write the paper will comprise the 10 hours of community service for the course.
Interview questions
Be prepared before you send an email.
Use a thoughtful subject line.
Be concise.
Briefly describe yourself.
Explain how you found them.
Directly ask for help.
Be considerate.
What are the philosophies or the mission statement of your organization?
Who are the people you serve (demographics)?
What are some of the needs of your constituents?
What are some of the expectations from the community that you serve?
Are there other agencies that you collaborate with?
What are some of the critical issues in your immediate environment?
What are some of the organizational issues that you face, i.e. staff, budget, current programs, leadership, etc.
Do you have any competitors?
What are some of the core competencies needed to work in your organization?
How do you assess if your programs are successful?
Can you tell me how the lives of those you serve will be transformed?
Who are your constituents? Do you know what they need and expect?
Does your agency rely on donors and do you involve them in planning your programs?
What are the key reasons for the success of your program?
Do you see our field evolving and changing?
Do you see any trends in our field?
What are the internal challenges and constraints that impact your ability to succeed?
What are the impediments to change that need to be addressed? What are some of the strengths of your agency?
How has your agency been adaptable to any change?
What are some of the core competencies needed to deliver services to your constituents?
What is your organizations means of accountability?
Finally, what is going on economically, socially, demographically, technologically, governmentally that impacts your ability to succeed?
Person’s Education and Professional background – As detailed as possible
Person’s Current Job responsibilities – As detailed as possible
Types of interventions the agency provides?
Types of issues clients/patients are struggling with?
What do they enjoy most about their work? And least?
How does your agency define assessment? And what tools are used for assessment?
How does your agency obtain informed consent?
Does the professional and or agency conduct research and or evaluations?
What are the agency’s strengths and weaknesses? (from the professionals’ perspective)
What are your observations and thoughts on the agency
Use the textbook to help you with your thoughts and observations of the agency and citations
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
The City University of New York
524 West 59th Street
New York, New York 10019
Theories of Assessment and Intervention in Human Services
CHS 235.01
Required Text:
Neukrug, E.S. (2017). Theory, Practice, and Trends in Human Services: An Introduction, (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Required articles:
Articles will be provided in Blackboard in the weekly assignment folders under the heading “Required Reading.”
Important course information:
This semester, this course is being taught as a synchronous/hybrid. We will meet face-to-face once a week but there will also be virtual classroom time and use of Blackboard. Blackboard will be the depository for discussion boards, quizzes, some assignments, and exams. Blackboard will also contain required readings, required power points, required videos, and experiential exercises. Our face-to-face class meets on Thursdays from 3:05-4:20 pm. On the days we meet virtually, a zoom link will be provided.
Be sure to use your John Jay email address for this course. If you are having difficulty with your John Jay email, contact me via your regular email with the reason in the subject heading and also contact the Help Desk for information on how to obtain a John Jay email address (212-237-8200). Your email contact address is the same email address that appears when you post online. All announcements, i.e., changes in the schedule, cancelled class, will be forwarded to the John Jay email.
When contacting me, the subject heading must include CHS 235.01.
Check your John Jay email and/or Blackboard every day to avoid missing important communications.
These next two weeks an outside email will be answered
Course Description
CHS 235 is a core course in the Human Services and Community Justice Major. The course is an overview of the history, theory, and method of assessment and intervention in human services. The focus is on relevant theories and interventions that have become commonplace when working with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities within the human services profession. Students will be introduced to the principles of, risk and needs assessment, crisis and emergency management, resource management, ethics, and individual and community advocacy in order to interface with governmental, private, and non-profit social service agencies. Case examples and excerpts will be used to illustrate the principles of human service intervention and to expose students to what professionals in the field may say, do, and think, when working with diverse client populations and organizations.
Prerequisites: PSY 101, ENG 101, CSL 150 or permission of the instructor.
Learning Objectives
To understand the historical, political, and economic underpinnings of human service interventions within the profession.
To understand the implications of free will versus determinism-based theories of human development, behavior, and change.
To understand the notion of individual and organizational “change” and consider if there are any differences in the quality of improvement with the various theories of human service intervention.
To develop an understanding of the challenges facing individuals, families, and communities as they navigate governmental and social service agencies in the attempt to secure resources.
To develop and understanding of Social Justice Advocacy and the skills needed to serve as an advocate.
Performance Objectives
Students will develop an understanding of the historical, political, and economic underpinnings of human services theories, assessment, and intervention.
Students will articulate the distinction between free will versus determinism-based theories of human development, behavior, and change.
Students will analyze and critique theories of individual, organizational, and community-based change.
Students will develop an understanding of the assessment of needs as it applies to individual and community-based constituencies.
Students will reflect upon the challenges facing individuals, families, and communities as they navigate governmental and social service agencies in the attempt to secure resources.
Students will develop an understanding of Social Justice advocacy and the skills needed to serve as an advocate.
Students will articulate the ethical standards supported by the National Organization for Human Services – Council for Standards in Human Service Education.
Course Requirements
Assignment due dates: All assignments, including reading assignments, are due the day before class or on the due date posted in the course calendar. It is up to each individual student to check the course calendar to ensure assignments are submitted in a timely fashion.
Respect: In whatever forum is being used, whether it is Blackboard, Zoom, messaging, or email, students will interact with integrity and respect for each other and the instructor.
• We are entitled to disagree, but we do it with respect and dignity. All students have the right to express their opinions and values and engage in critical thinking about issues discussed in this class.
• Students are expected to conduct themselves in a fashion that reflects sensitivity, openness, and respect for fellow students’ opinions, values, and feelings.
• If a student is in violation of this policy, the student will be asked to leave the classroom and a mandatory meeting with the professor will be scheduled prior to the student being readmitted to class.
• Lastly, all opinions expressed in class will stay in class. This is a counseling course and personal/opinions issues might be shared. It is the perfect time to understand the importance of confidentiality in the profession.
• Netiquette: Fill out the subject heading with the course and section number and use the correct salutation when emailing the professor. I need help writing my essay – research paper review the section on Netiquette on the Blackboard dashboard. Attending class on time and staying in class for the entire period is a demonstration of respect.
How to complete this course successfully
Attendance, participation and preparation
• Participation is graded. Prompt replies, evidence you are prepared, and participation will positively affect your final grade. Not doing the assigned readings, doing poorly on assignments, and/or not attending class will result in a low grade or failure.
• Late work will result in a grade reduction.
• Participation includes attending class, contributing to Blackboard discussion boards, taking part in group work, and actively engaging in classroom dialogue.
• Students are expected to complete all the required readings for each class session.
Field placement
• Human Service Professional Interview Paper: Students will write an 8-10 page interview paper focusing on assessment and intervention within a New York City based human service agency. The student will pick an interviewee (with approval from the professor) and will ask about the person’s training background, current job responsibilities, and their role in assessment and intervention with clients, communities, and within their organization or other organizations. The interviewee can be someone the student already knows, or someone the student recruits via internship, through another class, or through another department or office at John Jay College. The student will be expected to do some research on the community served and provide some historical perspective. A brief list of questions will be given out in class. Recruiting the interviewee, conducting the interview, and using the data to draft the paper will make up the 10 hours of community service for the course. A ~ Hire our professional writers now and experience the best assignment help online with our custom paper writing service. We ensure your essays and assignments are expertly researched, written and delivered on time. ~ Grading rubric will be provided along with the list of interview questions. The interview paper must be written in Ace homework tutors – APA style formatting which includes a cover page, abstract, page numbers, 12-point times roman font, and reference page.
Journals (4)
• There will be four 2-3 page journals based on classwork, fieldwork, and genera feelings about what you are learning. Due dates are located in the Blackboard calendar and the assigned topics are located in the assignment modules.
Midterm and final exam
• The mid-term and final exams will cover the subject materials outlined in your textbook, reading assignments, videos, and in class lectures and discussions. Exam formats: mixed, short answer including multiple choice, fill-in, matching, true and false items.
~ Hire our professional writers now and experience the best assignment help online with our custom paper writing service. We ensure your essays and assignments are expertly researched, written and delivered on time. ~ Grading: Refer to the Course Information folder in Blackboard.
Assignment Due Dates – All due dates are posted in Blackboard in the calendar labeled “Assignment due dates.”
Where to Find It – The Blackboard Menu
Contacts (Instructor Info in Tools)– my contact information
Announcements – all announcements, reminders, and updates for the course will be posted here
Syllabus/Course Information – the course syllabus, course schedule, ~ Hire our professional writers now and experience the best assignment help online with our custom paper writing service. We ensure your essays and assignments are expertly researched, written and delivered on time. ~ Grading criteria
Course Materials – contains a folder with all journal articles, identifying the readings along with other supplemental materials
MindTap – MindTap information and instructions to access MindTap are found in the “MindTap” folder in Blackboard.
Assignments – you will find all course assignments described in the syllabus and in this area in individual folders. Before undertaking an assignment, consult the Assignment area and follow instructions for each assignment provided there. There may be additional resources in the folder. Links for uploading your written Assignments will be found here
Help –This folder holds links to introductory Blackboard tutorials and how-to-guides
Time Zone
The classroom server is set to US Eastern time. Therefore, all due dates are noted as of US Eastern time. Use the World Time Clock link available in the classroom to convert all times and dates.
Expectations students can have for instructor
• Students can expect professor to be online a minimum of four times per week
• Students can expect professor to accord them due respect
• Students can expect professor to respond to questions posted in the Q&A Forum and via email within 24-48 hours
College and Help Information
Incomplete Grade Policy Incompletes may be granted on a case by case basis to students already in good academic standing. A contract will be negotiated between the student and professor for completion of the course requirements.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policies: Students registered with the Office of Accessibility Services are provided reasonable academic accommodations once the instructor receives written verification of a student’s eligibility. OAS is located at L66.00 212-237-8144.
Academic Integrity:
Statement of the College Policy on Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else ‘s ideas, words, or artistic, scientific, or technical work as one ‘s own creation. Using the ideas or work of another is permissible only when the original author is named. Paraphrasing and summarizing, as well as direct quotations need citations to the original source.
Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional. Lack of dishonest intent does not necessarily absolve a student of responsibility for plagiarism. It is the student ‘s responsibility to recognize the difference between statements that are common knowledge (which do not require documentation) and restatements of the ideas of others. Paraphrasing, summarizing, and direct quotations are acceptable if the original source is cited.
Internet plagiarism includes submitting downloaded term papers or parts of term papers, paraphrasing or copying information from the Internet without citing the source, and “cutting and pasting” from various sources without proper attribution.
Students who are unsure how and when to provide documentation are recommended to consult with their instructors. The Library has free guides designed to help students with problems of documentation. You can access John Jay College of Criminal Justice Undergraduate Bulletin with the link below to review the complete College policy.
Plagiarism also includes copying fellow classmates’ posts on Blackboard.
Policy regarding COVID-19
• Students enrolled in in-person or hybrid class will be required to get the COVID-19 booster shot when they become eligible. Here is how the booster mandate will work:
• If students are eligible for the booster on January 28th: They must upload proof of receiving the additional shot to CUNY First no later than March 1.
• If students become eligible after January 28th, but before the end of the semester, they will have 30 days after they become eligible to get booster and upload proof to CUNYfirst.
• Students will not be able to register for Summer 2022 or Fall 2022 classes if they do not have a booster.
• Random testing levels will be increased from 10% to 20%.
• Masks are always required on campus expect where you can isolate yourself in an office or properly social distance when eating (faculty are no longer allowed to remove masks while in the classroom even if they are vaccinated)
• We have purchased KN95 masks to be offered for use upon entrance to campus (at this time we are not able to mandate their use)
• There are no social distancing requirements in the classroom.
• Student Athletes will test on a weekly basis
• If you test positive, please notify Malaine Clarke or Diego Redondo. They will provide guidance and next steps.
Masking Policy
All students are required to wear masks in the classroom and on campus unless they have an approved accommodation through John Jay College’s Office of Accessibility Services (
Students who do not comply will be referred to the Dean of Students for possible disciplinary action.
Below are some helpful links:
The college’s COVID Information page
The Spring 2022 Reopening/Campus Access Plan
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