Question description Hi,My assignment is for English 1010 class about Organic Food Industry. seven resources are required, and I will provide them for the topic. 15+ pages; Thirteen pages of writing and two pages of bibliographic citations. Adhere to appropriate Literature Review guidelines. Citations should follow a standard citation format. MLA page and citation guidelines
Question description Write two full pages :Present and explain Anselm’s ontological argument, (key concepts, distinctions, pattern of reasoning, etc.) Explain Gaunilo’s criticism of the ontological argument. Discuss a possible reply to Gaunilo’s lost-island objection. With whom do you most agree and why?There are some information in the attached power point.
Question description Take three theories of emotion and apply them to one emotional event in your life. Be specific about the event and make clear connections to the theoretical assumptions.
Question description describe a recent self-fulfilling prophecy which you have imposed upon yourself that affects your communication. In what cases have you imposed it. also what where the result.
Question description Must be used in MS Project SoftwareAs a project manager, you are going to prepare two project outlines for the development of a mobile application. One project outline uses a waterfall model, another uses an agile method.Prepare two project outlines using Microsoft® Project. Each outline shall consist of a task list and a […]
Question description Hello. brief 600-800 assignment in applied managerial economics. I have attached a word document outlining the assignment details, description, objectives, deliverable length and scenario. APA format to include times new roman 12pt font, double line spacing, intext citations, and reference page.
Question description 1000 words required plus diagramThe warehouse manager thought a recent presentation on operations management was extremely valuable to the company. He now wants to shift the conversation to focus on his warehouse department. You told him a little about supply chain design and how it could improve inventory management. He is interested in […]
Question description “Course Wrap-up” Please respond to the following:Discuss the advantages of understanding accounting as it relates to your current or future position. (Consider careers in management, sales, business operations, finance, and business ownership.)FYI: My current position is Director of Supply Chain. My future position I hope will be VP of Support Services.
Question description Assignment 1: Electronic Health Care RecordDue Week 6 and worth 100 pointsAs a chief security officer (CSO) for a large hospital, you are charged with securing medical health care records. More recently, senior hospital administrators are seeking to provide a complete online portal for all its doctors and patients. Based on the recent […]
Question description Choose three of your five favorite stores and explain why you like to shop at these stores. Then, evaluate whether you tend to typically support sole proprietorships, partnerships, or corporations. Explain why you tend to select this choice. Are you an advocate for smaller establishments or larger ones, and why?